ODHUB provides an intuitive report that helps users choose the best experiment (model) for their object detection application. This information includes model type, final mAP, etc.
To export a model:
- Select the experiment (1) you want to export.
- Click Export selected experiment model (2)
- Choose the destination directory and press Current Folder (3) to export the model.
The exported model is a zip file and can be deployed to LabVIEW using ANSDL API or other hardware using ANSVIS
Once exporting is completed, ODHUB will ask if you want to move to the Test Model page to quickly test the model inference right in ODHUB. You can either skip this or continue.
Note 1: A typical approach to AI is always trial and error, so training with different datasets
and parameters are recommended to find the best model.
Note 2: ODHUB consumes lots of engine resources with each project; therefore it is recommended
to restart the software before launching another project to ensure its stability