After launching ODHUB, the Select Project window is displayed.
Click on Training with Local PC to start working on the project list
What is a Project?
A project manages the training experiments and models of a specific training dataset.
The project list contains all projects created locally.
The status column indicates the current phase of the project
- CREATED: the project is created
- UPLOADED: the project has a dataset and is in the training configuration step.
- TRAINED: the project has gone through the model training process
- EXPORTED: the project's trained model has been exported
The experiments column indicates the number of training experiments the project's dataset has gone through
Create a new project
To get started with a new project:
- Type the project name in "New Project Name"
- Click Start New
Revisit current project
To continue working with the current project in the list:
- Select a project (1) in the list
- Click Work on selected project (2)
- The Next Action (3) dialog will be displayed. You can either select the provided options to go to the corresponding phase.