To get started, you need to run Luxriot Server.
Add cameras to the Luxriot Console.
Login to Luxriot Console
Add Cameras Using Autodiscovery
Use the automatic device discovery feature to find all available devices. This method is of great help when dealing with large amounts of cameras, and also when exact addresses of devices are not available.
To access the configuration dialog box from Luxriot EVO Console, open the Configuration section and select Devices in the menu on the left; in the upper panel, click the down arrow near the New Device button and then select Find Devices.
The scan parameters will be shown, following the user interface to add scanning information.
- Select scan mode
- Add ONVIF Ports, which can be 8000, 80, or 554. The correct port information can be found in the camera vendors’ manuals.
- Add lists of camera username and password
Use the Reset button below to discard all changes and start entering scan parameters again. When you are ready, press the OK button below to begin scanning.
After scanning has been completed, you will be taken to the Device Autodiscovery dialog box, which will allow you to review the found devices and their channels and enter/modify related settings.
Select all the devices you wish to add by putting a checkmark next to them then click Add selected devices and channels
Add simulated cameras
Simulated cameras allow the use of a video file as a video source. Video files must be in AVI format, encoded as MPEG4 AVC h.264; video files exported from Luxriot EVO Monitor or Portable Player will work, too, provided that they were exported as AVI with JPEG compression.
To add a simulated camera, open the Configuration section and select Devices in the menu on the left; in the upper panel, press the New Device button to open the device creation dialogue.
Add camera name, select camera model (Emulation) Video File, and press OK to submit
After creating an emulation device, go to its channel's properties and specify the full local path to the target video file.
Manage Devices and Channels
Device and channel management are accessible via the Luxriot EVO Console Configuration section, by choosing the Devices or Channels category in the menu on the left
Register external services using ANSVIS
Register ANSVIS External Service via ANSVIS
By default, the Luxirot Server does not have ANSVIS external services. To register an ANSVIS external service, please run the ANSVIS application and access the VMS setting.
Enter detailed information about the Luxriot Server then Click Connection to VMS Host, and ensure that the connection is successful.
To validate this connection, please go back to Luxriot Console to verify that ANSVIS External Service has been added.
Add External Service Group to ANSVIS External Service (only need to do one time )
In the Luxriot EVO Management Console, create an External Service Group.
To add ANSVISGroup to ANSVIS External Service, select ANSVIS External Service and click the Edit button as follows:
Disable Video Analytics for selected camera channel
Test ANSVIS trigger to send alarms to Luxriot Server.
Launch Luxriot Evo Monitor
Select the correct layout from the Layout template.
Select the channel to be displayed on layout
Activate the Notification Panel by clicking on the bell icon:
To send test alarm and notification from ANSVIS to Luxriot Evo Server by clicking Test Rules from VMS setting dialog in ANSVIS software.
The test alarm information will be displayed on the Notification Panel indicating that the connection between the ANSVIS and Luxiriot Server is successful.