- ANS Core Engine needs to be installed before proceeding (one-time only)
- ANSTS Engine needs to be installed before proceeding (one-time only)
- Latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Version: install both x86 and x64 version
- Make sure your CPU & GPU driver is up-to-date
Step 1: Install ANSTS
Please download and install the latest version of ANSTS from the Web Portal
Go to Products> AI Designing Tools > ANSTS and select the latest version
ANSTS and ANSVIS license keys can be used to activate ANSTS, so:
- If you install ANSTS on the same target device that has activated the corresponding ANSDL function or ANSVIS, ANSTS is automatically activated. You don't need to follow these next steps.
- If you install ANSTS on a separate target device, please follow the instructions to activate ANSTS. After activation, ANSTS will consume one target device count from the license key you use.
Step 2: Install ANS License Manager
ANS License Manager is essential for activating and managing the runtime licenses of ANS products. It ensures that all toolkit components are fully licensed and operational, allowing you to leverage ANSTS's full capabilities in your projects.
Step 3: Activate ANSTS license with ANS License Manager
Trial License
You can use the ANS License Manager to activate ANSTS 30-day trial license
Full License
Purchase the ANSTS license key and copy the license information
Follow Activate License Online to activate ANSTS with an internet connection.
Follow Activate License Offline to activate ANSTS without an internet connection.
To update the software without affecting data, uninstall the ANSTS Installer from the Add or Remove Program window and install the new software version.