The AI Tasks page offers over 20 pre-defined AI Tasks designed for people and vehicle monitoring, safety, and security alert.
Once you have a camera added to the ANSVIS Server, press Add Task to begin. You will then be prompted to the AI Task configuration page.
Task name
Enter a custom task name that matches your goal for easier recognition among other created tasks.
Select a Task
Select your preferred AI Tasks from the drop-down list (Additional tasks will be introduced in upcoming ANSVIS updates)
Select Camera
Select the camera you want to monitor
You can press Snapshot to preview the camera image
Custom Schedule
When activated, you can set a specific time for the AI Task to commence. If disabled, the AI Tasks will be active continuously.
Only some AI Tasks will have notification features to alert the users when an event occurs. Please refer to AI Task Notification Setting to learn more
Region of interest
The Region of Interest (ROI) feature enables users to specify the monitoring area within the camera's field of view.
Each AI task will have specific ROI options, including Rectangle, Polygon, or Line. The use of ROI may be optional or mandatory, depending on the requirements of each AI task.
Choose a ROI type and click 'ADD ROI' to add the ROI to the image.
Rectangle: You can modify the shape and size of the Rectangle by dragging and dropping each of the four corners.
Polygon: You can add more points by right-clicking on any side of the shape, or delete points by right-clicking on a corner.
Line: You can specify the moving direction of the object by clicking on the direction symbol.
Min object size filter
The Minimum Object Size Filter allows users to define the smallest object dimensions (width and height) for detection. This ensures that the system only detects objects larger than the specified size, reducing false positives for very small objects.
You can set the minimum object size by entering the width and height value in the dialog box, OR
Switch to View Mode: Min object then Click and drag the corners of the overlay box to visually set the desired minimum width and height on the image.
Other parameter
Each AI Task will have dedicated parameters, such as:
Objects: Select the object of interest to monitor, you can select multiple objects by holding the Ctrl button
Object Presence Time(s): The time (second) an object/event remains in the monitoring area before being triggered.
Event CoolDown Time(s): Minimum delay period before the next event can be triggered
Don't save event image: Enable this option if you don't want to record event images (dashboard will not be affected)
Once you have finished configuring the AI Task, press Save Task. You will be redirected to the main AI Tasks page.